Feminism in America


By: Melina Farahmand 

Founder & Owner of Past Present Future Co.

“Feminism noun: the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.” (Dictionary.com).


       I’ve been fortunate enough to grow up in a family that has great respect for women. Unfortunately, having respect for women and respecting women isn’t something that everyone does. When I tell someone I’m a feminist, I see different reactions. The first one is positive and usually comes with a remark about girl power. The second is a negative one. Which usually comes along with a dirty look. If someone were to ask me the question, “Does being a feminist, especially one in America, a country that is filled with people with many different backgrounds and opinions, have a big impact on your life and your future career?” Then I would say without a doubt, “Yes, it does.” It affects your confidence, it helps you recognize your privileges which helps you appreciate things more, it teaches you about respect, and makes you feel like you have a sense of belonging to something. These traits all help you in life.  Confidence in many cases, equals success.         After reading the book Daughters of Feminists, it was easier to comprehend and grasp that growing up in households with feminist mothers strongly impacted the lives of the girls in this book. The way their friends, other family members, and the media in general viewed them was something that had a remarkable influence on their lives. These feminist’s daughters also impacted their parents’ marriages. When the fathers possessed demanding jobs, it put a great deal of stress on the mothers who wanted to do what they loved, but still take care of their families. Some of the different women interviewed for this book recalled how their parents would fight about taking care of the children and things related to the household. One of the women mentioned, “there were lots of battles over household chores” (“Daughters”). A few marriages ended in divorce because the mothers realized that their husbands weren’t the same men they fell in love with before they became feminists. Others realized that over time, their husbands tore them down, rather than built them up by supporting their desire to do something other than work in the household.








         When I finished reading the book, I realized that I am also very fortunate that I was born in an amazing country that has citizens of every background and faith imaginable. In this nation of diverse citizens, there are several encounters with diverse opinions. Not all of them are kind, but one of our American “rules” is to respect one another even if we, the American people disagree on a certain topic. Feminism is a topic which many Americans have debated upon. While I was observing polls on the country’s opinions of feminists and feminism, I couldn’t help noticing they weren’t very pleasant. The polls reflected the degrading comments about the feminist movement, and they mentioned snarky remarks made by people, mostly men regarding women. Being a feminist means everything to me. It has caused me to gain so much self confidence, and learn to assist others. Feminism has allowed several women around the world to participate in jobs including writing and positions in the work force. In the past, only men were allowed to pursue a career. Now that certain laws were created, including the 19th amendment that granted American women the right to vote, women now have the chance to have several opportunities. These laws were only created because women chose to defend and fight for their rights, thus the idea of feminism was born. In the future, I hope to acquire jobs that vary from being a legal officer in the United States Navy, (a job that requires respect, honor and integrity), to maybe a designer or a writer. I’ll forever be grateful for those who stood up for their rights, they are my biggest inspirations. One of which is the former First Lady of the United States, Secretary of State, and 2016 Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton. One of my favorite quotes by her is something that is such an inspiring quote and fits perfectly in the topic of the feminist movement. "To all the little girls who are watching, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams." Hillary Clinton in her 2016 concession speech. When I heard this speech, this quote, I felt my heart sink a bit. I wanted her to be President so badly, I had so much hope. She lost to a man who openly admitted to sexually assaulting women, said many racist comments, and did many other terrible things. Hillary Clinton was a highly qualified candidate and she lost to him. This shows that women still have a long way to go, and I plan on working to empower the women of this country. When I re-read this quote from her speech, I realised that she was right. In conclusion, being a feminist in America has an impact on one’s future career and life. I’m proud to be a feminist as it is a huge part of my identity. I stand up for women’s rights and lgbt rights. I truly believe that being a feminist isn’t just standing up for women, but for the underdogs and the disenfranchised all over the world. The idea of feminism, “isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength." G.D. Anderson (“harpersbazaar”). However, that’s not the way the world perceives us.           Overall, feminism has had an impact on not only my life, but several women in my generation and the ones before me. It can affect one’s confidence and can make them a better person. When I became a feminist, I gained more confidence and people could see a change in my personality. I had a different mindset which made me stronger as a human being. I’m proud to be a feminist, and it has truly has become a huge part of my identity.  Have a beautiful day. xoxo Social Media:Facebook: PasttpresenttfutureeTwitter: @pastpresentfInstagram: @pasttpresenttfutureeTumblr:pasttpresenttfutureelosangeles  


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