A Better Future is Possible


By: Melina Farahmand

Founder of Past Present Future 

 Here are 5 Quotes that will inspire you to change the world. Admiral McRaven, United States Navy (Retired)- Excerpt from this inspiring speech given at the 2014 graduating class from the University of Texas:

1) “Start each day with a task completed. Find someone to help you through life. Respect everyone.Know that life is not fair and that you will fail often. But if take you take some risks, step up when the times are toughest, face down the bullies, lift up the downtrodden and never, ever give up — if you do these things, then the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we have today. And what started here will indeed have changed the world — for the better.”  Mac Taylor’s voice over in the final episode of CSI:NY. This quote was ultimately the last words of wisdom this incredible character to close the series after 9 years.2) “As police officers in this big, complicated city we see so much bad. So many souls filled with hatred and violence. And it's our job to look for them, chase after them and confront them. Over time, they can become all we see. As with all evil, some good will always come from it. It can bring us together with some of the most dedicated, honorable, kind-hearted people we could ever hope to meet. It can fill hearts with a love so strong that it will endure forever... and create unbreakable friendships that will last even in the face of life's most difficult challenges. Sometimes, the good comes when we most need it and least expect it. If we are lucky enough to notice it, set our eyes upon it and appreciate it, it can almost make us forget all of the bad. Today is life. The only life you're sure of. Make the most of today. Words of wisdom.”

Harriet Tubman, American Activist

3) “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Barack Obama’s Farewell Address to the Nation:

4) “I am asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents; that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists; that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice; that creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon; a creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written:Yes We Can.Yes We Did.Yes We Can.”

 Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

5) “Everyone must leave something behind when he dies . . . Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die . . . It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away."



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