"Sympathy" Remake


By: Melina Farahmand

CEO & Founder of Past Present Future

 I Know what the people who want justice and world peace feel!When the police shoot unarmed African Americans!When the average immigrant has to endure countless racist remarks;And the working woman trying to support her family deals with sexual harassment;When the Muslims are called terrorists after an attack,And the white Americans are just called “mentally unstable”—I Know what the people who want justice and world peace feel!I know why they march on the street,Till someone with authority will listen;For something to be done with the issues we are facing,When gay people are wrong stoned in other countries;And men are deciding what women can do with their bodies,And as the world is slowly dying, the government  does nothing,I know why they march on the streets, I know why the people are tired, angry and unsatisfied,When children are spending more time on their phones instead of reading books—When women are shamed after they’ve been violated,It is not okay when these things happen, and no one says anything,But if we speak up, something can be done,But it needs to be done soon,I know why the people are tired, angry and unsatisfied; because some have forgotten what it means to be an American.   


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