Human Kindness


By Melina Farahmand

CEO & Founder of Past Present Future


Dear Humanity, 

What happened to be being decent human beings? What happened to being respectful to our neighbors? And kind to our elders? What happened to the fight for equality for all humans regardless of their skin color, sexuality, gender, or their backgrounds? We have seemed to have lost our ways. But most importantly… what has happened to world peace? This is something that is possible, so how come no one is truly trying to accomplish this? I had  a startling realization a few weeks ago by a comment made by someone I know, and it had been brought to my attention that my generation has only lived in a time of war. I have never truly experience peace. My generation has never truly experienced peace. That is one of the worst things I had ever had to hear. We as humans used to have morals and we used to stand for something and believed in something greater than ourselves.

We believed in great things, we created great things, and we fought for what was right. We didn’t judge others because of something they some believed in and we  didn’t disrespect each other. And yes, I do believe there was a time when people didn’t result to violence because they believed it was the only answer to our problems. And yes, there was a time when greed and hatred didn’t rule the world. There was once a time when love and peace ruled the world and I believe we can have that again. We must solve our problems through compromising and working together. Violence and hatred can not win. Be kind to your neighbors. Respect your fellow human beings. Stand up for something you believe in. Work through your problems like decent beings.

Sincerely,A Concerned Human Being 


A Tribute to the Women of World War II


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