A Letter to World Leaders. A Call for Change.


By: Melina Farahmand

Founder & Owner of Past Present Future Co. 

For a Better World. For a Brighter Future. 

Author of:From Dust to Breath: Finding Our Place in the Circle of life. 

Available now on Amazon.

Decency. Humanity. The generosity of Heart. These are all phrases to describe someone who truly cares about something other than oneself. Yet, a simple review of the current trend of behaviors and actions taken by leaders will reveal that not all leaders practice the golden rule of these phrases.

Shayan Samii

Many "leaders" and decision-makers have stooped to name-calling and demonizing each other. While the entire world desperately needs strong leadership, many individuals have forgotten what it means to be decent human beings. This is why leaders of any organization must remain true to themselves and continuously strive to uphold integrity, empathy, and self-awareness. If we honor and practice these traits in our daily lives and focus on being good people rather than being individuals in positions of power, we can ensure our future leaders and decision-makers will be successful while upholding the golden rule. So here is my message to the leaders in our world, whether in politics, running a household, on the board of directors at a company, whomever, and wherever.

Leadership is rooted in the same ideals regardless of where it is utilized – the respect for others is critical; kindness is everything; having a good work ethic is essential, but also, remembering that we, as leaders, have the power to make a positive difference is vital.  

Dear Leaders from Every Walk of Life,  

In a world that has become so polarized and cruel, we often forget the notion of treating others the way we want to be treated -- a simple concept that we have learned since our first day of interaction with one another. The questions that now arise are what happened to the ethos of fighting alongside each other rather than against each other? How have we allowed ourselves to bring environmental destruction to the planet? Why does everything have to be so black and white -- what happened to that grey area of understanding? Where is the empathy, compassion? Humanity, as a whole, is going down toward a path of hatred, evil, and terror. We are in a time where we need the dreamers, and change-makers, storytellers, and peacemakers, to band together, make a difference, and remind other leaders that while yes, power can be used for good, but many have abused it. Hold them accountable.

In the case of our political leaders, I implore you to keep in mind that by putting aside grouping or partisan favor alliances for a moment and putting the greater good, the good of the country first, how much more we collectively can achieve. The statement “Country Over Party” is not a set of hollow words; it ought to be the rule. The creation of a united home rather than a divided house is vital. We need to remember that we all came from the same place, and we are all going to the same place.  

For religious leaders, it is critical to put aside differences in beliefs and instead, gather around the table, have an honest and open conversation with each other— remember we are all human beings, we are all children of God. There is no place for resorting to problematic rhetoric about those you disagree with, and we should not allow the words of others to make us stoop low. As former First Lady, Michelle Obama puts it, "when they go low, you go high." Always go high, aim high. Approach each other with respect and know that reciprocation of mistreatment is not the way.

For the mothers and fathers and guardians, as leaders in a child's life, instill core values, including respect, honesty, compassion, and the spirit of adventure in those you look after. For teachers and school leaders to embrace every student regardless of where they stand on the academic scale, you have the power to inspire them to keep aim high or to continue aiming high.

For the leaders of nonprofits, seek to work with your organization's core values in mind continuously.  

Leaders, you come in all shapes and forms: in government, a particular charity, a teacher, a military officer, a dreamer, a parent, a student and so much more, but one of the most prominent types of leadership in my eyes lies within those in public service. When I think of public service, I think of people who are fortunate to be in a position of power, which can extend a hand or two to those in need. The Persian proverb states it like this: "as long as you are standing, give a hand to those who have fallen." Public service is a noble profession; it's the political aspect that we get so caught up in. When we forget that public service is about helping the people, our fellow citizens, we get sucked into this world of money, power, and greed. And that is a destructive path that will ultimately cause a multitude of problems.  

World leaders, remember the oath you took upon entering your respective offices. Uphold those sacred promises you pledged to keep when you placed your hand on the book. But most importantly, treat each other with kindness, even if you are not receiving it in return. Reach for what will provide lasting change. Ambitious individuals have the potential to inspire others, but also remember the people who helped you, along the way, through your arduous journey to success.

In spite of all the wrong issues going on in the world, I still believe that peace can be accomplished and felt in people's hearts from every continent on the planet. Regardless of humanity's many faults throughout our long history, there have always been exceptional people who have managed to repaint the picture and drive us towards a brighter future.

Let us remember, and adhere to the fact that we ought to believe in the good of humanity, and work on addressing the ill-hearted individuals. We can all do better, every single one of us, to make the world a better place for our fellow human beings.  


Melina Farahmand

A Hopeful Human Being


Melting Away: The State of Our Planet


A Reminder of Your Power + Potential