History Made. Democracy Restored. Glass Ceiling Shattered. 


By: Melina Farahmand  

 Founder & Owner of Past Present Future Co. 


Author — From Dust to Breath: Finding Our Place in the Circle of Life

Available on Amazon. 

The future is looking bright for America as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been chosen by the American people to lead our great nation for the next four years. It was a historical moment that broke out Saturday morning of November 7th, 2020. 

Just four years ago, I wrote my very first article for Rah-e-Zendegi, which was titled “Someday We Will Shatter that Glass Ceiling.” A piece that thanked Hillary Clinton for putting a crack in the glass ceiling for women. Just four years later, Kamala Harris has shattered the first of many glass ceilings and has become the first woman to be elected Vice President. Not only that, she is the first woman of color to be elected Vice President. I’m so grateful to be witnessing history in the making with this incredible achievement. Today was such a vital reminder to all the little girls across the nation that we can be whatever we want to be if we are willing to put in the hard work and fight for the things we deeply believe in. 

It’s important to note that democrats and liberals didn’t win today; America won. Democracy won. The soul of this nation won. And you know what— it’s a really good day to be an American.

To every person who called voters, who donated to the campaign, who educated people on social media, who voted, who advocated for saving our democracy: you represent the very best of this nation. We owe you all an outstanding debt of gratitude. 

I’m excited about this country’s future, and I know it will be bright if we all work together as one nation. Onward together, my friends. Onward together. May this be the first of many great things to come for these United States of America. Time to get to work. We’ve got a country to heal and unite. 


Custodians of our planet


Guardians of our democracy