
By Allyson Lovina Phelan

Empowerment & Lifestlye Writer

This word just burns me up. Whore. WHO is a whore? And who are you to call a woman a whore?  Sadly, it doesn’t stop there: ho, bitch, slut, skag, floozie,hoochie, hag, tail, tramp, yak, sororiwhore, etc... and the absolute worst,  the C word. Which doesn’t even deserve three more letters.

You who benefit from the whores of the world really need to check yourself.  These females you so casually call ho’s… the ho’s who service you? Dance for you? Please you? Make love to you? This is how you speak of them.

Somehow in this current culture of ours, it has become somewhat natural for males to refer to females with a plethora of derogatory terms making it seem OK to talk about us like we are nothing. Well here’s a thought… those ho’s that you refer to are your mothers, grandmas, sisters, aunts, friends and once you become a father those whores are your DAUGHTERS. Do you like that image, of you daughter being called a whore?

The “rappers”, almost every single one of them, talk about ho’s, booty calls and explicit sexual verbiage which has become normalized.  I even hear women singing along to these misogynistic lyrics not realizing that while she’s singing about a whore, she’s calling her own self a whore because apparently all of us ladies are whores.

If indeed this said female really is a whore be it professional or amateur… WHY would they allowothers to disrespect them, use them up, hold them down, shatter their soul?

Well it’s not because they want to be treated as such.They don’t. Even the ones who say they have no issues with being an escort, courtesan, stripper, prostitute, kept woman… whore, are not telling the truth. Money cannot wash away your lack of self-respect, actions or pain. And no woman wants to turn tricks or dance around a pole for money. Not one single woman.

These little girls, teenagers, young women, mothers, daughters and grandmas were ignored, silenced, raped, molested, beaten, bullied, disregarded, thrown away, abandoned, emotionally abused, used, tortured, sold, trafficked and treated like they were nothing but a piece of trash.

So, the next time you call a female a whore, keep in mind that whatever her circumstance may be a whore is nothing but a filthy word for a female who feels she is not worthy of being treated like a human being. 


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