5 simple habits that noticeably bettered my life  


By: Nellie Mullane

When we went into lock down due to Covid19, I found myself with much more downtime. So, I decided to focus on my mental and physical health. At the start of the lockdown, I was often fatigued, stressed, and stuck in my feelings. I was overwhelmed by the never-ending responsibilities and problems of life. To fix this state of mind, I made five simple changes to my life, and noticed my general wellbeing changing too. 

Firstly, I took up meditation. Meditation has allowed me to come more in touch with my mental self and given me more control over my emotions and state of mind. I subscribed to an app called Headspace. This app provides a variety of guided meditations: meditations on appreciation, acceptance, creativity, finding focus, kindness, and much more. YouTube and other streaming platforms also have great guided meditations. I began by meditating for 10 minutes a couple times a week and slowly made this practice more regular.  I recommend starting small and doing what you can. It is often hard to carve out time to sit with yourself, but it is accompanied by an abundance of benefits. 

Secondly, I started doing something active at least once a day. At the start of lockdown, I did not leave the house for days on end and my body felt weak, so I tried to be more active. I did not start working out for hours every day, but instead started small. I subscribed to AloMoves by Alo Yoga. This platform provides workout videos, yoga videos, and guided meditations.  I began doing 10-minute HIIT workouts everyday with this platform (There are also workout videos on free video streaming platforms). I also try to walk places when I can to get in some cardio. Getting my body moving raised my self-esteem and made me more aware of my physical capabilities. I feel stronger and more in touch with myself than ever. 

Thirdly, I have improved my diet. When I say this, I do not mean I eat an insanely healthy diet, but I just make sure to eat three meals and a couple of snacks throughout the day. In the busyness of life, I often forgot to eat meals and snacks. Simply eating enough food provides me with clarity and energy throughout the day. I know it is a common habit to skip meals when we have a busy schedule but eating enough improves both your physical and mental state. And of course, if you can, make these meals healthy. 

Fourthly, I get out in nature as much as I can. With Covid19 still very present in the US, I find myself having “social distant” picnics with my friends. As a result, I spend a lot of time in nature. Being in nature reminds me that my problems are small, and things will eventually work out. It provides me with a sense of peace and calmness even in the chaos of the world. 

My final change is a small one, but it always helps me turn my mood around. Whenever I am sad, I think about something in my life to be grateful for. Of course, this does not eliminate the sadness, but it does put things into perspective. We all have something to be grateful for and reasons to be happy. 

While it’s hard to find the time or energy to pick up new habits, it is always worth it when you are taking basic care of your body and mind. Start small and slowly make these practices more regular. I encourage you to try and pick up at least one new habit that can improve your life. 

We all have something to be grateful for and reasons to be happy. 

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